Congotronics International - Where's The One? [CD]

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Premiera: 10.06.2022

A supergroup comprising Deerhoof + Juana Molina + Kasai Allstars + Konono No.1 + Skeletons + Wildbirds & Peacedrums. It all started when the music of Konono No.1 and Kasai Allstars was first released in the US and Europe, in the later part of the '00s. With its blend of ritual music, traditional percussion, thumb pianos, electric guitars, and makeshift instruments made from junkyard scrap, their out-of-this-world sound now also known as Congotronics, a word coined to title the series in which their albums appeared on Crammed Discs - deeply struck the imagination of musicians and fans worldwide. Leading rock media enthused about this newly rediscovered brand of "primal rock", while an impressive string of avant-rock, electronic & hip hop artists (from Dirty Projectors, Andrew Bird, Animal Collective and Deerhoof to Beck, Björk, Wilco, Radiohead, Saul Williams, Questlove and many more) repeatedly quoted the Congotronics bands as major sources of inspiration.

To nie tyle album, co dwupłytowe, 81-minutowe monstrum, zmieniające transową muzykę z Demokratycznej Republiki Konga w międzygatunkową alternatywną hybrydę. Na wyjątkowej polirytmii Konono No 1 członkowie przedsięwzięcia nadbudowują niejako swoje pomysły tacy artyści jak Deerhoof, Juana Molina czy Wildbirds & Peacedrums. Robią to delikatnie, tak by nie stracić tanecznego charakteru nurtu, ale już w utworze Resila mamy bardzo dalekie odejście od kongijskiej stylistyki. A przy tych rozmiarach wydawnictwa takie skoki w bok robią bardzo dobrze całości. Niepotrzebna playlista, jeśli macie Where’s the One? pod ręką – tytuł pyta, płyta odpowiada.
Bartek Chaciński, Polifonia

1 Where's The One?
2 Resila
3 Kule Kule Redux
4 The Chief Enters Again
5 Château Rouge
6 Super Duper Rescue Allstars
7 Tita Tita
8 Doubt/Hope
9 Banza Banza
10 Kabongo Celeste
11 On The Road
12 Beyond the
13 Many Tongues In Our Band
14 For Augustin
15 Even The Boa Can't Swallow A Viper
16 Mama's Way/Above The Tree Line
17 Ambulayi Tshaniye
18 Bombo & Sifflets
19 Tshitua Fuila Mbuloba
20 Mulume/Change
21 Tandjolo's Greetings