Hugo Race - Dishee [vinyl (un)limited black + downloadcode]
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- Producent: Don't Sit On My Vinyl!
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- Cena netto: 80,49 zł 99,00 zł
Premiera: 18.06.2021.
Wersja (un)limited, czyli nienumerowana, ale wciąż limitowana, wycinana przez Wujka Gusstaffa na jego magicznej maszynce w Studiu im. Witolda Gombrowicza w Zielonej Górze.
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Powiedzieć, że Hugo Race jest artystą niespotykanie płodnym, to banał, ale faktem jest, że niemal co roku zaskakuje swych fanów nowymi płytami, nie tylko z True Spirit czy Fatalists ale także w innych konfiguracjach personalnych, czy wręcz płytami solowymi. Jesienią 2020 ukazała się w Gusstaff Rec. płyta "Star Birth / Star Death" nagrana przez Hugo Race and The True Spirit, tymczasem już w czerwcu fani dostaną jeszcze nowszy materiał.
Płyta "Dishee" została nagrana niemal w 100% tylko przez Hugo, z gitarą, elektroniką i bardzo oszczędnie dozowanym głosem. 5 długich ambientowo-bluesowych utworów, jak sam Hugo pisze "inspired by and perfect for time tripping and astral travel".
Cóż to jest to Dishee? Słowo pochodzi ze starożytnego sanskrytu i oznacza egzorcyzmy na demonach. Wiąże się to z osobistą traumą Hugo, o której więcej możecie poczytać w przygotowanym przez niego angielskim tekście poniżej.
Dishee… what the fuq is a dishee you might ask?
It’s a made-up word derived from ancient Sanskrit that can exorcise demons. The Melbourne winter of 2020 was a reality shift and my reality unfortunately
shifted with it. For decades my life had been a continuum of reckless roadtrips, missed trains, packed intercontinental 747’s, dispassionate, haunted hotel
rooms and maverick promoters. For years, I never stayed anywhere for more than a few months. I was searching for something to distract myself.
And then I became truly distracted…
March 2020 challenged me to implode inwards instead of exploring outwards. I studied ancient spiritual techniques and locked myself away to brood, meditate
and smoke – anything to ease the crushing ache of lockdown and the 20-cent coin I now danced upon. I missed my old life. Everybody did.
I was skeptical that meditation and searching within could produce a record.
But then someone close to me was taken by a demon and my heart went missing with him. Dishee is the exorcism of that demon from both of us.
Hugo Race - Dishee 2
I bought a new guitar from Demonic Dishee town. The guitar was made in Japan the same year I was born and like many haunted vintage guitars
contained unheard-of music waiting for the right fingers to set it free. I practiced snap freezing and distorting guitar sounds then started using the same treatments
on my voice, paralyzing words mid-sentence. I inserted swathes of liquid ink into every irreverent guitar slide and vocal harmony, searching for a new sound
rich with sonic grit and wild unpredictability.
And then something incredible happened. During my nightly night terrors, my Dishee murdered that child-snatching demon at a distance of forty paces with a
millennium-old mantra and the practice of detachment. This record is the soundtrack of an exorcism.
So Hung (7.33)
iAmUr (5.41)
FOA (3.58)
Akaal (15.19)
Blue Pearl (9.00)
Produced composed played by Hugo Race
Gongs on ‘Akaal’ played by Virginia Alexander
Recorded at Helixed and Sadhana Studios, Melbourne
Published worldwide by Peermusic
Sleeve art by Josh Lord
© Helixed 2021
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