Scott Matthew - Adorned [vinyl 180g + downloadcode]
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- Producent: Glitterhouse
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Mieszkający w Nowym Jorku australijski songwriter opracował 10 nowych wersji swych własnych klasyków. Swoje piosenki ubiera w nowe szaty, zdejmuje z nich aksamity, zakłada za to jedwab i z pełną delikatnością wypuszcza w świat.
Scott Matthew, to ten facet z wysokim głosem i długą brodą. I ogromnym uczuciem w barytonie, melancholią z brzmieniu. Śpiewa o miłości i samotności, w jakimś stopniu jednak optymistycznie.
"Adorned nie jest tym, do czego ludzie u mnie się przyzwyczaili. Zmuszam ich, by ze słuchania mieli także radość. To eksperyment, który być może nie rozwiązuje problemów tego świata, ale na chwilę je może łagodzić"
About Scott Matthew:
Born in Queensland, Australia Scott started playing in several bands, quit his course of studies and founded the pop punk outfit Nicoteen. In 1997 he moved to New York where he met ex-Morrisey drummer Spencer Cobrin and together they released their debut EP as Elva Snow in 2002. Scott Matthew received a lot of attention in 2006 from John C. Mitchell`s film SHORTBUS. Besides the theme song 'In The End' Scott Matthew wrote five more songs performed in the film by himself and featured on the soundtrack. He also provided vocals for the soundtrack of the animation-serial GHOST IN THE SHELL (composed by YOKO KANNO). His self-titled debut was released in 2008. For his Christmas-EP SILENT NIGHTS (2008) he invited his Australian friend and meanwhile superstar SIA for a duet. In 2013 Scott Matthew released his cover album UNLEARNED. His personal hitparade. In a wide variety of songs he discovered, felt and worked out the emotional core with so much respect, that it becomes obvious, that these cover versions are not foreign songs at all, but in a way his very own, original material. His sixth studio album is titled ODE TO OTHERS (2018). With this album there is a departure from the subject of romantic love and the disappointments that can come from such endeavors. Instead this collection of songs pays homage to love in a broader sense. Honors are bestowed to family, friends and the mistreated both alive and deceased.
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