szorstkie - szorstkie [CD]
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- Producent: Gusstaff Records
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Najniższa cena 30 dni przed zmianą: 26,00 zł brutto
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- Cena netto: 31,71 zł 39,00 zł
Premiera: 09.09.2022
"szorstkie" (rough/harsh) moves in the areas of experimental music and avant-garde. The compositions are largely based on improvisations, variations and the creation of various noisy sounds.
The band "szorstkie" was born during the difficult times of the 2020 pandemic. It is composed of: Robert Kafel (Lewe Łokcie), Kamil Klama (Beukot), Michał Klama (Pleń, Pi). The material for the debut album was recorded in the studio "Trzaski", between Częstochowa and the forest. In the fumes of smoke and accompanied by barking dogs.
“It's the music you don't listen to to scramble with a girl at 11 am. It's consuming music. It's life owl music, when you are home alone and looking for yourself at the easel and incense with the scent of opium is burning in the background. Every dog has already taken an evening walk, and if you still live with your mother, better use good headphones because she may think, you son have gone astray. "
1. Podszyt
2. Gruz
3. Krew i sierść
4. Popłoch
5. Ślady cz.1
6. Przedzieranie / Smoła w drzewie
7. Ślady cz.2
8. Dzicze bagno
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