Nils Frahm - Screws

  • szt.
  • Net Price: €10.46 €12.86

BBC Music:
'though these 28 minutes drift by almost

The Line of Best Fit:
'In Screws, he has crafted a truly beautiful work,

Reedycja płyty z 2012 roku.

Nils Frahm nie daje o sobie zapomnieć. Ten płodny muzyk i kompozytor z Hamburga raczy nas po raz kolejny miłością do pianina. Utwory są utkane z tak delikatnych dźwięków, że można się popłakać, takie to piękne. Kto zna się na harmonii w muzyce wie, że odpowiednio podane akordy powodują przypływ różnych emocji. Sam pisze o nowym albumie tak:

"I am sitting in front of a sheet of paper. My right hand is bending over my left thumb. The first day I got out of my cast I could bend it by 15°. Now I am already at 50° and that makes me happy. Things are going uphill…

As you can imagine, it is really bad news for a pianist when he gets diagnosed with a broken thumb. That day I was sitting in the emergency room, feeling rather dizzy while thinking of a zillion shows coming up and all the people involved around it. I realised in that moment how busy things have become. It is hard to turn down interesting projects and opportunities, since I surely love my work. It actually never felt like work. Playing piano and playing it for wonderful people is the greatest joy I can imagine.

For a couple of days I felt like this could all be over. How pathetic, but hey – also feeling sorry for yourself has its place somewhere. All of a sudden I had so much time, an unexpected holiday. I cancelled most of my schedule and found myself being a little bored. Even though my doctor told me not to touch a piano for a while, I just couldn’t resist. I started playing a silent song with 5 fingers on my right and the remaining 4 on my left hand. I set up one microphone and recorded another tune every other night before falling asleep.

The day I got rid of my cast I had recorded 9 little songs. They have helped me feel less annoyed about my accident and reminded me that I can only achieve something good, when I make the most of what I’ve got."

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