Gemini 4 (Hugo Race) - Gemini 4 [CD]
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- Producent: Gusstaff Records
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- Cena netto: 23,58 zł 35,00 zł 29,00 zł
Zapewne nazwa Gemini 4 nic Wam nie powie, ale jeśli dodam, że za tą grupą stoją Hugo Race & Michelangelo Russo, którzy w ubiegłym roku wydali w Gusstaff Rec. i Glitterhouse Records rewelacyjną płytę "John Lee Hooker's World Today"? Ale to też nieco mylny trop, jeśli chodzi o zawartość płyty, bo jako Gemini 4 (wraz z Julithą Ryan i Andrew ‘Idge’ Hehir) stworzyli album instrumentalny, nasiąknięty elektroniką, transem (to akurat nic dziwnego), psychodelią tanecznymi wręcz beatami (!) i fantastycznymi dźwiękami harmonijki. Dla fanów Hugo Race'a (i nie tylko) to będzie zaskoczenie, ale także mus absolutny. Pierwsze dźwięki usłyszycie już w przyszłym tygodniu. Bądźcie na nasłuchu.
Maybe the name Gemini 4 will tell you nothing, but if I tell you, that's a new project of Hugo Race & Michelangelo Russo (yes, (their electronic take on the blues, “John Lee Hooker’s World Today”, stunned critics and audiences in 2017)? Gemini 4 is an instrumental album, with electronica, psychedelia, even dance beats, fantastic harmonicas of Mr Russo. It's a surprize not only for the fans of Hugo Race.
Gemini 4 is the latest project from Hugo Race (Dirtmusic, ex-Bad Seeds) and Michelangelo Russo (The True Spirit). Their electronic take on the blues, "John Lee
Hooker's World Today", evaporated critics and audiences in 2017. Now they're back with a zodiac-flavored brew of instrumental electronica somewhere between
soundtrack and chillout.
The new album Gemini 4, set for release on Polish electronic label Gusstaff Records in January 2019, sees Race and Russo joining up with keyboardist Julitha Ryan (Silver Ray) and percussionist/engineer Andrew 'Idge' Hehir to create a work of complex beauty.
21st century and retro electronica collide through live-session analog synth mayhem and surgical digital overlays. Treated harmonicas and wind instruments drift across restless rhythms ranging from slowcore to techno, with dancefloor intention on tracks like Unicorn, Dream Machine, Blueboy and Aspartame, while at the core of the record lays the morphing psychedelia of unclassifiable pieces like Ephemera, Mercury Rising and Twins. The final two tracks are inexplicable.
Naïve and knowing. Secretive yet confronting. Conceptual and yes, compellingly prog(ressive), Gemini 4 is highly suggestive and strangely seductive, an alchemical fusion where focus and intention dissolve into a deep space film Kubrick never made.
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