Garmarna - Guds Spelemän (remastered 2023) [CD]

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  • Cena netto: 47,97 zł 59,00 zł

Premiera: 20.10.2023

Massproduktion and Garmarnas most successful album -Guds Spelemän from 1996 - finally remastered and re-designed. Guds Spelemän was really a challenge to record and finalize. Recorded on several occasions and on five different locations, in between the bands constant touring, it was a really a feat to finalize. But the chemistry between the band and producer Sank made magic in the studio and the will to do something completely new was at maximum. Guds Spelemäns seamless mix of machines and electronic sounds with the bloodiest of medieval ballads and Emma Härdelins exceptional voice is really something else. Garmarna had just made international fame by being frontpage news on Billboard and touring all over the world and just before the recording they played for a crowd of 10 000 in Stockholm. So they were really a band on the way yp. And bringing an exceptional album - Guds Spelemän - resulted in both a Swedish and international success. Besides earning a Swedish Grammy and gold record it also became a large export success. The album was licenced to some 14 countries and released all over the world in different versions. In a few years Garmarna would sell close to 90 000 records all over the world. It been remasted from the original analog 12" inch master to real brilliance by the legendary Björn Engelmann at Cutting Room. The original artwork has been reworked by Lia Jacobi.

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