Miłosz Pękala - 8 Pieces in Different Tempos

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  • Manufacturer: Gusstaff Records
  • Availability: In stock In stock
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  • Net Price: €6.77 €8.33

CD release date: 19.11.2021

Gusstaff Records proudly presents the new album of Miłosz Pękala. Eight tracks written for vibraphone, oldschool-electronica, MIDI and 8-bit rhythms associative with old computer games. You will find here also a fantastic cover version of Mouse On Mars.

Miłosz Pękala is percussionist and vibraphonist. 

He has spent almost whole of his professional career proving one point – playing percussive instruments is as demanding as the piano or violin. His credo may be summed up as follows: I am a human being first, then a musician and a percussionist. 

Vibraphone and Latin – American instruments are his field of specialty. However he is as proficient as a Gameboy or analogue synths programmer as well as studio technician and sound engineer. Minimal, experimental and noise music are his fields of interest which places his activity around the borders of avant – garde and popular music. He has been praised and awarded in the fields of art and education but still searches for new forms of expression and artistic exploration. His present collaborators include Bartosz Weber (MIR), Magdalena Kordylasińska (Pękala Kordylasińska Pękala), Andrzej Bauer (Chain Ensemble), Hubert Zemler and Mitch&Mitch. His inspirations include friends form Lado ABC artistic group, Felix Kubin but also artists whom he knows through their work: Steve Reich, Iannis Xenakis, Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage, Igor Stravinsky. 

8 pieces in different tempos - his 2021 release for Gusstaff Records -  is a departure from his remaining solo endeavours: Monopercussion 1 and Monopercussion 2 (Bółt). All of the releases prove that Miłosz Pękala is not only a machine programmed to bang different surfaces. He is also a sensitive, highly skilled and imaginative artist. 

Pękala is a lecturer at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music.

Artwork and layout by Macio Moretti.

1. International Karate
2. Juju (Mouse On Mars cover)
3. Game #1
4. Slow #1
5. Contra
6. Slow #2
7. Plateau
8. Slow #3


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